About Us
Yamanashi Gakuin University
Welcome from the President
Yamanashi Gakuin School Corporation has been an innovator in education for over 70 years, always looking into the future. It is a private educational organization from kindergarten to graduate school.Founded in 1946, Yamanashi Gakuin was established in the spirit of performing good deeds and with a clear vision that educating youth was essential to rebuilding Japan after the devastation of war. Founders Shinichi and Kiyoko Furuya, my grandparents, primarily established the educational institution to serve the youth locally residing in Yamanashi Prefecture. Former President Tadahiko Furuya, my father, successfully boosted the reputation of the school on a national level, attracting students from across Japan and developing a distinguished record in sports, with over 50 Olympians amongst our own alumni as of 2018.
I became President in 2018, in the midst of an era facing dramatic population decline, where there is a necessity that educational institutions innovate and adapt themselves to true globalization. I see this as an opportunity to advance globally and challenge the standards of higher education worldwide. Therefore, in 2015, Yamanashi Gakuin University (YGU) established the International College of Liberal Arts (iCLA) as the flagship department for taking the globalization agenda forward.
Education is an investment towards the next generation. iCLA at YGU aims to nurture individuals who can contribute to society with a deep understanding of Japanese culture and a broad, international perspective, thus cultivating a rich cultural awareness and creativity in each of its students, as we constantly adapt to the changes in society.
Yamanashi Gakuin strives to build a vibrant institution aiming to become the leader among unique private educational institutions, a model of future educational institutions, and a hub of local cultural development. We will pave the way for a new era for Yamanashi Gakuin with our 70th anniversary slogan “Create a generation and relay it to the next”.
Through education, we are committed to serving our students so that they will earn respect and recognition for their contribution to society by: fostering the development of unique individuals with a spirit of self-discipline and tolerance; developing strong-minded individuals with practical abilities, a wide cultural awareness, and deep specialized knowledge; and creating individuals who can contribute to local, national, and international communities, while striving for self-realization.
I look forward to welcoming students, faculty and staff members from around the globe to join us in this global adventure.
Koji Furuya
President and Chairman
Yamanashi Gakuin University
Faculties and Departments
- International College of Liberal Arts (iCLA) / Department of International Liberal Arts
- Faculty of Law / Department of Law
- Faculty of Law / Department of Politics & Public Administration
- Faculty of Business Administration / Department of Business Administration
- Faculty of Management Information / Department of Management Information
- Faculty of Health and Nutrition / Department of Nutrition
- Faculty of Sport Science / Department of Sport Science
- Graduate School of Social Science

History of Yamanashi Gakuin University

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