Study Abroad
Studying Abroad

Whether you are an iCLA student thinking about studying abroad or an exchange student contemplating to come to iCLA: we think the answer is a big “Yes!”Study abroad is an invaluable opportunity for students to gain skill sets important to our globalizing society. As you navigate through exciting new experiences abroad, you will develop intercultural communication and problem-solving skills that will strengthen your future candidacy in the workplace. As an increasing amount of employers compete on a broader, international – borderless – scale, the necessity for talented and global-minded team members also grows. Your willingness to take on new challenges demonstrate and underscore your capability of being a global citizen that can overcome the breadth of hurdles that are encountered on an international scale.
We encourage students to incorporate an international experience into their undergraduate studies. In principle, you can choose study abroad for 1 or 2 semesters, whichever best suits your academic needs.
See our Study Abroad (Inbound) and Study Abroad (Outbound) pages for details about requirements and eligibility that are applicable to you.
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