The unique iCLA logo design was the winning submission to the iCLA Memorabilia Contest 2023.

The iCLA Memorabilia Contest was held from September 14 to October 13 to encourage students to contribute to the iCLA community spirit in a creative way. The contest enticed creative minds with the opportunity for the winner of the contest to see their own work made into iCLA merchandise sold in the semester sale.

Hannah, an exchange student from The American University of Rome currently studying abroad at iCLA, won with her imaginative depiction of the iCLA logo with the iconic Mount Fuji. Hannah’s design was chosen out of multiple impressive submissions as the winning design based on criteria such as feasibility, quality, and pertinence with iCLA. It was then decided that her logo design would be printed on t-shirts. Her signature was also added to the t-shirt to recognize her artistic work and contribution to the community.

On her inspiration for creating the design, Hannah says, “I see Mount Fuji from school every day, so I feel like I had to include that, and the cherry blossoms were to add pizazz. I wanted to do something simple, and I wanted to make the iCLA logo big because I didn’t want to take away from it – I just thought I’d add to it in a fun way. I wanted to capture the beauty of Yamanashi.”
“I want people to be reminded of their time here whether they’re studying abroad or degree-seeking,” says Hannah, “It’s just so beautiful and this is what I see every day, and so I feel like it’s a reminder of time in Japan.”
Hannah’s logo design t-shirt was sold in iCLA’s Fall Semester 2023 Memorabilia Sale held from November 30 to December 13.