Notification regarding Yamanashi Gakuin University September 2024 Entrance Ceremony

Welcome to Yamanashi Gakuin University!
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations on your enrollment in Yamanashi Gakuin University. This is a notice to inform you of the following information regarding the September 2024 Entrance Ceremony.
Any changes regarding the Entrance Ceremony will be announced via email, the YGU website and the iCLA website. Please note that there are no waiting rooms available on campus. We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation.
【Yamanashi Gakuin University September 2024 Entrance Ceremony】
Date: September 2, 2024 (Monday)
Time: From 11:50am
Venue: Memorial Hall
*Students and families can enter the venue hall from 11:30am
*Please be seated by 11:45am
*The ceremony will last approximately 30 minutes
【Dress code】
Please wear appropriate and formal clothing (e.g., suits)
【Regarding parking】
Please use Parking No.1.
However, we encourage the usage of public transport as parking spaces are limited.
【Inquiries (English)】
Yamanashi Gakuin University
iCLA Administrative Office
TEL: 055-224-1350