Notification regarding Yamanashi Gakuin University September 2023 Entrance Ceremony

Welcome to Yamanashi Gakuin University!
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations on your enrollment in Yamanashi Gakuin University.
Entrance Ceremony Details
Date: 1st September, 2023 (Friday)
Time: From 11:50am
*Please be seated by 11:45am
*If you would like to be guided to the ceremony venue by a staff member, please gather in the iCLA lobby on the ground floor (where you checked-in for move-in) at 11:20am.
Venue: 40th Anniversary Hall (No. 38 building), Memorial Hall
Dress Code: Formal/semi-formal clothing (no jeans and sandals)
【Inquiries (iCLA)】
Yamanashi Gakuin University
iCLA Administrative Office
TEL: 055-224-1350