
Fees & Funding

*Currency conversion rates are approximate and for indicative purposes only.
All fees are payable in JPY

Tuition Fees (academic year 2025)

Living Expenses

iCLA Residence Hall Fees:

Room and Utilities* ¥600,000/year
Meal Plan [3 meals/day on class days] ¥350,000/year (approx.)

*Water, gas, electricity, maintenance (including common area).

All first year students are required to live in the iCLA residence halls and enroll in the meal plan. From second year onwards, students may choose to find private accommodation off campus or continue living in the iCLA residence halls (depending on room availability).


The International College of Liberal Arts (iCLA) offers merit-based full and partial tuition-waiver scholarships to a select number of students each year. Yamanashi Gakuin University financial aid may be combined with outside funding sources.

Type of Award I II III IV V
Scholarship Amount Full Scholarship covering 100% tuition, facility and equipment
3/4 Scholarship covering 75% tuition, facility and equipment
Half Scholarship covering 50% tuition, facility and equipment
1/4 Scholarship covering 25% tuition, facility and equipment
1/10 Scholarship covering 10% tuition, facility and equipment
Scholarship Duration Renewable every year based on overall performance. Maximum of 4 years.
Selection Criteria
  • Academic Achievement
  • Extracurricular Activities Achievement
  • Financial Need
Selection Process Scholarship recipients are chosen based on the quality of their application materials and interview results.
Required Document Application form
How to Apply Apply through the online application system.
Announcement of Results The announcement of your scholarship application result will be included with the announcement of admission results.

External Scholarships:

JASSO Scholarship (for Pre-Arrival Admission International Degree-Seeking Students)

The Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) provides support to international students in Japan through various scholarships.

New international degree-seeking students admitted to iCLA have an opportunity to apply for the JASSO Scholarship (formally known as: Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students by Pre-Arrival Admission (University Recommenders)) through iCLA.

You may see detailed info and eligibility requirements on the JASSO website.

There are numerous scholarship foundations and government institutions in Japan offering scholarship opportunities to international students.

We notify students of scholarship opportunities regularly throughout the year and offer assistance in applying.

Considering that there are an extensive number of scholarships for international students, students are highly encouraged to do their own research.

For a comprehensive list of scholarships in Japan, please see JASSO’s pamphlet:

Scholarships for International Students in Japan