Spring 2025 Graduation Ceremony Information

Regarding the Yamanashi Gakuin University Graduation Ceremony March 2025

Date: March 15, Saturday
Time: 10AM
Place: Furuya Kinendo (Gymnasium) https://www.ygu.ac.jp/campus-map/
The university encourages the usage of public transport as parking space is limited.
*Graduates and family members can enter the ceremony hall from 9:30am.
*Please be seated by 9:50am.
*The ceremony will last approximately 1 hour.
*There are no waiting rooms available on campus.

The ceremony program can be accessed from the following QR Code.

Graduation Ceremony Program March 2025 QR Code

Light snacks and drinks will be provided after the ceremony at the iCLA building.

For example, suits, Kimono, traditional clothes from your country.

iCLA Administrative Office, Yamanashi Gakuin University
■E-mail: icla.contact@c2c.ac.jp
■Website: https://www.ygu.ac.jp/ (Yamanashi Gakuin University, Japanese)
https://www.icla.ygu.ac.jp/en/ (iCLA, English)